Fairness toolkit

Fairness.jl is a comprehensive bias audit and mitigation toolkit in julia. Extensive support and functionality provided by MLJ has been used in this package.

For an introduction to Fairness.jl refer the notebook available at https://nextjournal.com/ashryaagr/fairness


using Pkg
Pkg.activate("my_environment", shared=true)

What Fairness.jl offers over its alternatives?

  • As of writing, it is the only bias audit and mitigation toolkit to support data with multi-valued protected attribute. For eg. If the protected attribute, say race has more than 2 values: “Asian”, “African”, “American”..so on, then Fairness.jl can easily handle it with normal workflow.
  • Multiple Fairness algorithms can be applied at the same time by wrapping the wrapped Model. Example is available in Documentation
  • Due to the support for multi-valued protected attribute, intersectional fairness can also be dealt with this toolkit. For eg. If the data has 2 protected attributes, say race and gender, then Fairness.jl can be used to handle it by combining the attributes like “female_american”, “male_asian”…so on.
  • Extensive support and functionality provided by MLJ can be leveraged when using Fairness.jl
  • Tuning of models using MLJTuning from MLJ. Numerious ML models from MLJModels can be used together with Fairness.jl
  • It leverages the flexibility and speed of Julia to make it more efficient and easy-to-use at the same time
  • Well structured and intutive design
  • Extensive tests and Documentation

Getting Started

  • Documentation is a good starting point for this package.
  • To understand Fairness.jl, it is recommended that the user goes through the MLJ Documentation. It shall help the user in understanding the usage of machine, evaluate, etc.
  • Incase of any difficulty or confusion feel free to open an issue.


Following is an introductory example of using Fairness.jl. Observe how easy it has become to measure and mitigate bias in Machine Learning algorithms.

using Fairness, MLJ
X, y, ŷ = @load_toydata

julia> model = ConstantClassifier()
ConstantClassifier() @904

julia> wrappedModel = ReweighingSamplingWrapper(classifier=model, grp=:Sex)
    grp = :Sex,
    classifier = ConstantClassifier(),
    factor = 1) @312

julia> evaluate(
          X, y,
              [true_positive, true_positive_rate], grp=:Sex))
┌────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────── ⋯
│ _.measure          │ _.measurement                                                                       │ _.per_fold                           ⋯
├────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────── ⋯
│ true_positive      │ Dict{Any,Any}("M" => 2,"overall" => 4,"F" => 2)                                     │ Dict{Any,Any}[Dict("M" => 0,"overall ⋯
│ true_positive_rate │ Dict{Any,Any}("M" => 0.8333333333333334,"overall" => 0.8333333333333334,"F" => 1.0) │ Dict{Any,Any}[Dict("M" => 4.99999999 ⋯
└────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────── ⋯


Fairness.jl is divided into following components


It is a 3D matrix of values of TruePositives, False Negatives, etc for each group. It greatly helps in optimization and removing the redundant calculations.



NameMetric Instances
True Positivetruepositive, true_positive
True Negativetruenegative, true_negative
False Positivefalsepositive, false_positive
False Negativefalsenegative, false_negative
True Positive Ratetruepositive_rate, true_positive_rate, tpr, recall, sensitivity, hit_rate
True Negative Ratetruenegative_rate, true_negative_rate, tnr, specificity, selectivity
False Positive Ratefalsepositive_rate, false_positive_rate, fpr, fallout
False Negative Ratefalsenegative_rate, false_negative_rate, fnr, miss_rate
False Discovery Ratefalsediscovery_rate, false_discovery_rate, fdr
Precisionpositivepredictive_value, positive_predictive_value, ppv
Negative Predictive Valuenegativepredictive_value, negative_predictive_value, npv


NameFormulaValue for Custom function (func)
disparitymetric(Gᵢ)/metric(RefGrp) ∀ ifunc(metric(Gᵢ), metric(RefGrp)) ∀ i
parity[ (1-ϵ) <= dispariy_value[i] <= 1/(1-ϵ) ∀ i ][ func(disparity_value[i]) ∀ i ]

BoolMetrics [WIP]

These metrics shall use either parity or shall have custom implementation to return boolean values

Demographic ParityDemographicParity

Fairness Algorithms

These algorithms are wrappers. These help in mitigating bias and improve fairness.

Algorithm NameMetric OptimisedSupports Multi-valued protected attributeTypeReference
ReweighingGeneral✔️PreprocessingKamiran and Calders, 2012
Reweighing-SamplingGeneral✔️PreprocessingKamiran and Calders, 2012
Equalized Odds AlgorithmEqualized Odds✔️PostprocessingHardt et al., 2016
Calibrated Equalized Odds AlgorithmCalibrated Equalized OddsPostprocessingPleiss et al., 2017
LinProg AlgorithmAny metric✔️PostprocessingOur own Algorithm
Penalty AlgorithmAny metric✔️InprocessingOur own Algorithm


  • Various Contribution opportunities are available. Some of the possible contributions have been listed at the pinned issue
  • Feel free to open an issue or contact on slack. Let us know where your intersts and strengths lie and we can find possible contribution opportunities for you.

Citing Fairness.jl


  author       = {Ashrya Agrawal and
                  Jiahao Chen and
                  Sebastian Vollmer and
                  Anthony Blaom},
  title        = {ashryaagr/Fairness.jl},
  month        = aug,
  year         = 2020,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v0.1.2},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3977197},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3977197}
Ashrya Agrawal
Ashrya Agrawal
Data Science Intern

My research interests lie primarily in algorithmic fairness, generalization, and causality
